Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Course of the New World Order

Details of the New World Order Course
1.     Twelve lessons about a perfect life as follows:
a.     Perfect thoughts or ideas (two lessons).
b.     Perfect setting of our life plan (two lessons).
c.      Serious implementation of our life plan (two lessons).
d.     Continuous evaluation of our life plan (two lessons).
e.     Continuous amendments of our life plan (two lessons).
f.       The fruits of our wrong and perfect life plan (two lessons).
2.     Twelve lessons about religious issues as follows:
a.     General information about religions (two lessons).
b.     General information about Judaism (two lessons).
c.      General information about Christianity (two lessons).
d.     General information about Islam (two lessons).
e.     General information about the other religions (two lessons).
f.       General information about ungodly people (two lessons).
3.     Twelve lessons about social issues as follows:
a.     Five major things in our life (one lesson).
b.     Our birth and early growth (one lesson).
c.      Education (one lesson).
d.     Works or jobs (one lesson).
e.     Marriage (one lesson).
f.       Death (one lesson).
g.     An ideal personal behavior (one lesson).
h.     Family planning or organization (one lesson).
i.        Social; traditions, customs and norms (one lesson).
j.       Civilization and social life (one lesson).
k.     Solutions for some current bad social behaviors (one lesson).
l.        Guidelines for a better social life (one lesson).
4.     Twelve lessons about economic issues as follows:
a.     General information about economics (one lesson).
b.     Sector of agriculture and forestry (one lesson).
c.      Sector of water creatures (one lesson).
d.     Sector of livestock (one lesson).
e.     Sector of mining and petroleum (one lesson).
f.       Sector of industry (one lesson).
g.     The first group of public services (one lesson).
h.     The second group of public services (one lesson).
i.        The third group of public services (one lesson).
j.       The forth group of public services (one lesson).
k.     The fifth group of public services (one lesson).
l.        The sixth group of public services (one lesson).
5.     Twelve lessons about political issues as follows:
a.     General information about politics (one lesson).
b.     The expected roles of politicians (one lesson).
c.      The expected political roles of the community members (one lesson).
d.     The political parties (one lesson).
e.     The political organizations (one lesson).
f.       The tribal kingdoms (one lesson).
g.     The ethnic groups kingdoms (one lesson).
h.     The royal system of governance (one lesson).
i.        The republican system of governance (one lesson).
j.       List of the world countries including their; system of governance, head of states and capital cities (one lesson).
k.     The past and recent global crisis, it’s; locations, reasons and impact on the; local, regional and international communities (one lesson).
l.        The general information about the New World Order Organization (one lesson).
6.     Twelve lessons about some spiritual issues as follows:
a.     Dreams (two lessons).
b.     Visions (two lessons).
c.      Visual or physical appearances of dead people (two lessons).
d.     What after death (two lessons).
e.     The magic activities in our communities (two lessons).
f.       Personal spiritual power or the power of our words (two lessons).
7.     Twelve lessons about Combating of crimes as follows:
a.     General introduction about crimes (one lesson).
b.     List of major and minor crimes (one lesson).
c.      Ten deep and wide studies about (10) of the major crimes (ten lessons).
·        Notes:
a.     The total number of lessons is 7x12= 84 lessons.
b.     These lessons will be taught normally online or through internet within (84) days on rate of (1) lesson per day. In such case there will be examinations after each (28) lessons.
c.      These lessons will be taught normally on ground or in classes and halls within (42) days on; Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on rate of (2) lessons per day. In such case there will be examinations after each (28) lessons.
d.     These lessons will be taught intensively online or through internet within (28) days on rate of (3) lessons per day. In such case there will be examinations on weekly basis.
e.     These lessons will be taught intensively on ground or in classes and halls within (18) days on; Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on rate of (5) lessons per day. In such case there will be examinations on weekly basis.

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