Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Weekly Schedule of Our Spiritual Support

The New World Order Campaign

The Weekly Schedule of Our Spiritual Support

Thursday 29/3/2018

     The Campaign's Higher Organizing Committee is hereby announcing to all the members of our General Assembly the weekly schedule of the upcoming (40) Days of Our Spiritual Support Program that will start from 1st. April, 2018  to 10th. May, 2018 as follows:

1.     Sundays: The Spiritual Role of Churches in Community + Sunday Service or Fellowship that will include (Prayers, Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible, worship and Praising Songs.

2.     Mondays: The Social Role of Churches in Community + Daily Prayers + Daily Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible + Worship and Praising Songs.

3.     Tuesdays: The Economic Role of Churches in Community + Daily Prayers + Daily Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible + Worship and Praising Songs.

4.     Wednesdays: The Political Role of Churches in Community + Daily Prayers + Daily Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible + Worship and Praising Songs.

5.     Thursdays: General Knowledge about Religions and Beliefs + Daily Prayers + Daily Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible + worship and Praising Songs.

6.     Fridays: Special Messages to the Religious and Non-Religious People + Daily Prayers + Daily Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible + Worship and Praising Songs.

7.     Saturdays: Open Forum for Discussions about the Role of Religious Institutions in Community + Special Messages of Repentance and Renewal for Christians + Daily Prayers + Daily Words of Encouragement from the Holy Bible + worship and Praising Songs.

     We ask all the Christian members of our general assembly to cooperate and coordinate with us positively for the success of this program.

     Please kindly add some of your friends to our group (The New World Order Campaign – The General Assembly for All Nations), as much as possible as you can without any preconditions (as a member of this group we have given you the access to add new members from your friends to this group, but if you don't know how to do that just contact us for help). Moreover, we encourage all the members of our General Assembly to join our new (12) specialized groups (the recommended groups here on this group), as soon as possible as they can.

·        Attention:

     The New World Order Campaign is for all nations, Christians and non-Christians as well, but during the period of our Spiritual Support Program we will focus on Christianity because currently they are the majority in our general assembly and we will touch some topics about the other Religions as well as about non-religious people on Fridays and Saturdays.

     Please share this post with others as much as possible as you can and for more information about the campaign just click here


The Campaign's Higher Organizing Committee

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