Friday, April 20, 2018

The Message of Repentance for the Christian Families

The New World Order Campaign
The (40) Days of the Spiritual Support Program
Day (21) - Saturday Services: 21/4/2018
The Message of Repentance for the Christian Families
·        Introduction: (Joshua 24: 15/ Acts 10: 1 – 2).
·        All Christian families regardless to their Christian denominations must:
1.     Fight all the following sins or crimes completely from their places of residence (houses, hostiles, etc.) from now and onward: all forms of playing sex outside marriage, all forms of killing people, torturing people, making and drinking of alcohols, smocking of cigarettes and drugs, all types of stealing, quarreling, works of magicians and witchdoctors, lie, discrimination of people on the basis of tribalism and social positions, hatred, backbite, laziness, bad films / movies and publications (photos / pictures, magazines, etc.) and all the other sins or crimes that are mentioned in the Holy Bible - directly and indirectly.
2.     Be committed to do the following; seriously, faithfully and regularly:
a.     Daily family fellowship for all their Christian members / households that must include; prayers, songs, words of encouragements, etc. At any suitable time (Acts 12: 11 – 17).
b.     Preaching the gospel to all their non-Christian members / households and to pray for them until they become Christians or they die (2 Timothy 4: 1 – 5).
c.      Leading their members / households who are Christians by name or who are not living according to the teachings of the Holy Bible through; words of encouragement, sermons and teachings from the Holy Bible in order to help them to repent from their sins or crimes and to renew their lives so that they can live in spirit and truth (Titus 2: 1 – 15).
·        Warning: (2 Samuel 12: 1 – 23).

The Theoretical Part
1.     Briefly mention the disadvantages of what have been mentioned in the previous message in no. (1) For the Christian; houses, hostiles, etc.
2.     Briefly mention the advantages of what have been mentioned in the previous message in no. (2) For the Christian; houses, hostiles, etc.
3.     Read the following verses carefully and write briefly what you can understand: A. (Joshua 24: 15) B. (Acts 10: 1 – 2) C. (Acts 12: 11 – 17)     D. (2 Timothy 4: 1 – 5) E. (Titus 2: 1 – 15) F. (2 Samuel 12: 1 – 23).

·       Attention
    Please kindly do the previous mentioned theoretical part in the place of comment (you can write it outside then copy and paste it on the place of comment).

The Practical Part
1.     Write down on small piece of paper all the sins or crimes that your family members or households are used to do (up to now) in their daily lives.
2.     Start praying now by confessing all the sins or crimes that your family members or households are used to do (up to now) in their daily lives (that you have written on the piece of paper) before the Almighty Living God and ask Him to forgive them from all these sins or crimes and ask God also to help them so as to start a new life according to His will from now and onward – after that you have to cut or burn or destroy this piece of paper completely.
3.     Try to do your level best in order to direct your family members or households so as to implement all the previous mentioned requirements in the previous message (in both no.1 and no. 2) from now and onward; seriously, regularly and faithfully.

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